- AKC Champion About Time's This Girl Is On Fire
Chloe is proudly owned and shown by Jerry Hale!
- AKC Bronze Grand Champion About Time's Xotic Secret
Xena is proudly owned and loved by Mark & Mona Oxier!
- AKC Champion About Time's Xceptional Secret
Armani is proudly owned and loved by Brian & Jennifer Schaffer!
- About Time's Xquisite Secret, CGCA, CHCU
Vesta is proudly owned and loved, and titled by Wendell & Sherry Smith!
- New Reproductive Champion! AKC Champion About Time's Anarchy
Ch Anarchy is now a proven Reproductive Champion with four offpsring Champion titled, and more on the way!
- AKC Champion About Time's Son of Anarchy
Jax was handled by Brandi Miller to his Ch title, making his dam Ch Anarchy a Reproductive Champion also!
- AKC Champion About Time's Top Secret
Secret was handled by Brandi Miller to her Ch title!
- AKC Champion About Time's Kiss 'n Tell
Tryst is being specialed toward her Grand Ch title, handled by Debbie Wolfenbarger!
- AKC Champion About Time's Rumour Has It
Handled by Brandi Miller, Rumour already has major win points toward earning his Grand Ch title!
- AKC Champion About Time's Born to be Bad de Rothorm
Owned by Joshua Goldburg & currently competing toward her Grand Ch title!
- About Time's Lilliandil CDX RE CA CGCA CGCU
Owned by Natika & currently competing toward additional titles!
- Reproductive Champion & AKC Champion Rothorm JY Dream Quantum of Solace
Imported from Montse of Rothorm Cane Corso in Europe! AKC Ch titled, and proven as a Reproductive Champion!
- AKC Champion About Time's Anarchy
Currently has two Champion titled offspring and several more showing toward her Reproductive Ch title!
- AKC Champion About Time's Blazer
Owned & titled by Eric Thomason of Last Frontier Cane Corso!
- AKC Champion About Time's .357 Magnum
Owned & titled by Debbie Wolfenbarger, currently training for working titles!
- AKC Champion About Time's Pizzaz
Handled by Brandi Miller to her Ch title!
- AKC Grand Champion About Time's Morpheus
Owned & titled by Daniel & Brandi of Mount View Cane Corso!
- AKC Champion About Time's Destiny
Owned & titled by Eric Thomason of Last Frontier Cane Corso!
- Search & Rescue certified Pacifica's Betsy, (daughter of our import Multi Ch Quantum)
Owned & certified by Mike of Pacifica Cane Corso!
- AKC Champion Pacifica's Rocky CGC, (son of our import Multi Ch Quantum)
Owned by Lindsay of Nichols Cane Corso!
- AKC Ch About Time's Cwn Anwn, CD, BN, RA, CGCA, TDI TT CAL1-2 ACAL1-3 ATAN WDST1 HIT.
Currently working on getting his agility, CAT, weight pull and dock diving titles.
- About Time's Sueno de Cielo, Brevet: FIRST Female Cane Corso to earn a French RingSport Brevet title!
First Cane Corso to achieve the first leg for Ring One (French Ring Sport)!
... and she beat Five Belgian Malinois while doing it!!!
- About Time's Sueno de Nyx, BN, CAX, CGC, TDI: FIRST Cane Corso to earn an AKC CAA & CAX title!

NEW Reproductive Champion!
AKC CH. Rothorm JY Dream Quantum of Solace
- Finished with Three Major Wins in a Row!
(at a 3-day show, 3 Pts, 4 Pts, & 5 Pts)
- Earned AKC Champion title with 4 Major Wins!
- Handled by Derek Matson
Quantum earned his AKC Champion title with 4 Major Wins, finishing with an impressive bang taking Three Major Wins in a Row at a three day show! Looking forward to the next generation, with eight Quantum pups heading into show rings in 2014/2015, we're working on his Reproductive Champion title now! [...See More]
Bred By:
~Montse Fernandez Samon, Rothorm Cane Corso -Spain |

AKC Grand Champion About Time's Morpheus
- AKC Champion!
- AKC Grand Champion!
Our congratulations on your accomplishments with "Mo" go out to owners Daniel & Brandy, who owner-handled much of the way! We're proud of what you have accomplished with him, thanks for taking him this far!
~Daniel, Brandi & "Mo" -Oregon |

CH. About Time's Cwn Annwn
- AKC Champion, Owner Handled!
- CAL1 & CAL2, Judged by Luigi DiRenzo
- CGCA (Advanced Canine Good Citizenship)
- Passed Therapy Dog Inc. TDI TT ATAN WDST1 HIT
"He has unbelievable endurance, is extremely smart, has looks to die for, a great protection/defense drive, is very strong, has an excellent prey drive and loves to work. He is unbelievably smart ... and has great situational awareness and judgement. His eagerness to please and willingness to learn is truly amazing!" [...See More]
~Elva & "P-Jo" -Nevada |

About Time's Sueno de Cielo, Brevet
- FIRST Cane Corso to achieve the first leg for Ring One (French Ring Sport)!
... and she beat Five Belgian Malinois while doing it!!!
- FIRST Female Cane Corso to achieve a Brevet
(French Ring Sport) title!
"Cielo and I have had an amazing time in the world of French Ringsport, and we are continuing to make waves. People are amazed by her drive, athleticism, and willingness to work. The possibilities with an About Time Cane Corso are endless."
[...See More]
~Tex Kim & "Cielo" -California |

About Time's Sueno de Nyx BN, CAX, CGC, TDI
- AKC's FIRST Cane Corso to achieve a CAA & CAX
(Coursing Ability Excellent) title!
- BN (Basic Novice) in obedience
- TDI (Therapy Dog International) certification
- CGC (Canine Good Citizenship) certification
- 7 pts (1 five pt major and 2 singles) toward CH title
"This is the best dog that I could have possibly chosen to spend our lives with. People should know that this is what a true Cane Corso should be like."
~Gary, Jaime & "Nyx" Smith -Georgia
[...See More]

About Time's Independence, Service Dog
- Service Dog for Triple Amputee Veteran
"Laura and Richard, I'd like to start by once again thanking you for the huge gift you've given me. In conjunction with that I'd like to say the quality of dog you bred has exceeded my and the trainers hopes and expectations. She is incredibly intelligent!!
This last week of working with Independence has been amazing. She has performed better than we could have expected. It speaks volumes for the quality of dog you breed. Eric posted the video I sent you on his Facebook page and several other service dog trainers wanted to know where she came from." [...See More] |

Multi CH. About Time's Chance
- ICCF Champion
- ARBA Champion
- International Champion
- #3 Cane Corso in the US with ARBA, 2006
"Bach is a very special dog!"
~Jane Turbenson & "Bach" -Arizona
"The judges loved him and said he has an excellent future!"
"One judge said that he was really going to 'kick some ass'..."
"The judge who put him up in Group just loved him and was amazed how well trained he was for his age." [...See More] |

CH. About Time's Sueno de Audacity
- UKC Champion
- SACCI MidWest Regional Specialty 2011
Best In Show Winner, at 11 months
- First Group 1 Placement at 6 months of age!
"Thanks so much for trusting us to raise this girl we are enjoying the heck out of her. We are VERY impressed by your dogs!"
~Jason Wilson & "Audi" -Texas
"UKC Champion, and SACCI MidWest Regional Specialty Best In Show Winner, by 11 months of age!" [...See More] |

About Time's Sueno de Nyx BN, CAA, CGC, TDI
- CAA (Coursing Ability Advanced)
- BN (Basic Novice) in obedience
- TDI (Therapy Dog International) certification
- CGC (Canine Good Citizenship) certification
- 7 pts (1 five pt major and 2 singles) toward CH title
"This is the best dog that I could have possibly chosen to spend our lives with. People should know that this is what a true Cane Corso should be like."
~Gary, Jaime & "Nyx" Smith -Georgia
[...See More] |