About Time Cane Corso: Social Media Connections
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Cane Corso Links
Cane Corso Show Info, Schedules & Results
- AKC - American Kennel Club
- ARBA - American Rare Breed Association
- IABCA - International All Breed Canine Association
- MBA - Molosser Breeders Association
- Rarities - (NAKC) North American Kennel Club
- UKC - United Kennel Club
Cane Corso Working Info & Events
- APA - American Pulling Alliance
- ATTS - American Temperament Test Society
- Delta Society - Delta Pet Therapy Society
- DVG - All Breed Schutzhund
- IronDog - Iron Dog International
- K9PS - K-9 Pro Sport
- NAFA - North America Flyball Association
- PSA - Protection Sports Association
- TDI - Therapy Dogs International
- USDAA - United States Dog Agility Association
Corso Registries & Breed Clubs
- AKC - American Kennel Club - USA Registry
- CCAA - Cane Corso Association of America, AKC Parent Breed Club
- UKC - United Kennel Club - USA Registry
- ACC - Asociación Canófila Costarricense
- ACCC - Asociación Club Canino Colombiano
- ACUCC - Associació Canina Unió Cinòfila de Catalunya
- AERC - Asociación Ecuatoriana de Registros Caninos
- AFCC - Association Française du Cane Corso
- AICC - Associazione Italiana Cane Corso
- ANKC - Australian National Kennel Council
Associazione Tecnica Internazionale Cane Corso Italiano
- CAMILA - Club des Amateurs de Molossoides Iberiques et Latino-Americains
- CBKC - Confedaração Brasileira de Cinofilia
- CCCN - Cane Corso Club Nederland
- CCILCC - Club Cinofilo Italiano per il Lavoro con il Cane Corso
- CFC - Canine Federation of Canada
- CICO - Club Italiano Corso Ortognato
- CKC - Canadian Kennel Club
- CKU - Ceskomoravská Kynologická Unie
- CMA - Canadian Molosser Association
- CPC - Clube
Portugues de Canicultura
- ENCI - Ente Nazionale Cinofilia Italiana
- FCA - Federación Cinológica Argentina
- FCI - Fédéracion
Cynologique Iternationale
- FCM - Federación Canófila Mexicana
- FCPR - Fédéracion Canofila de Puerto Rico
- FCV - Federación Canina de Venezuela
- KCC - Kennel Club de Chile
- KCP - Kennel Club Peruano
- KCU - Kennel Club Uruguayo
- RSCE - Real
Sociedad Canina de Espana
- SACC - Societa' Amatori Cane Corso
- SCC -
Société Centrale Canine
- SFC - Société
Francophone de Cynotechnie
- SRSH - Société
Royale Saint-Hubert
Food, Suppliments & Supplies
We strongly recommend NuVet Plus immune system builder and NuJoint Plusfor all of our dogs. We have given your new pup the best start possible in life, and we highly recommend you continue your pup's health and hip supplement support, from the time they arrive home to you, on both NuVet Plus to support your pup's immune system for optimal health, and NuJoint Plus to help reduce the risk of Hip Dysplasia. NuVet is not available in stores, and is only available to the general public with an order code from an authorized pet professional.
For your convenience, you may order directly from the manufacturer (at up to 50% off what most veterinarians charge)
- Online, at this link: www.nuvet.com/36105
- By phone, Call: 800-474-7044 and use Order Code: 36105
NuVet Plus will protect your new Cane Corso puppy against ailments and toxins (from back yard pesticides, pet food allergies and hormones, toxic formaldehyde in furniture and carpeting, immune threats transmitted from dog parks and the vet’s office, etc), while maintaining a beautiful coat and healthy skin.
NuVet Plus can help prolong the life of your dog and can help eliminate many ailments, including Allergies, Skin and Coat Problems, Scratching, Itching, Biting, Hot Spots, Arthritis and Joint Problems, Low Energy Levels, Diabetes and Liver Problems, Cataracts and Tumors, Digestive Problems, Tearing, Heart Disease, Premature Aging.
NuVet Plus is not just a vitamin. It’s an immune system builder with a precise balance of vitamins, minerals, omega fatty acids, amino acids and high-potency antioxidants. That’s why it works so well through all three stages of a dog’s life. For younger dogs (under 2 years old), it strengthens their immune system, while building and strengthening the cardiovascular, skeletal and nerve systems. For dogs in their prime (age 2-8), it improves the luster of their skin and coat while protecting against allergies, skin and coat problems, staining from tears, digestive problems, etc. For older dogs (over 8 years old), it helps protect against, tumors, premature aging, cataracts, heart conditions, diabetes and many types of cancer, while extending the life and improving the vitality of many dogs.
Click here to ORDER NuVet Plus for your pup's health and immune system!
NuJoint Plus is a premium nutritional natural anti-inflammatory hip and joint therapy supplement. Hip Dysplasia can be a serious concern in any large breed dog, despite the best of care and ideal breeding. NuJoint Plus is a nutrient rich product that goes to the source of the problem, combating hip dysplasia, arthritis, osteoporosis, joint inflammation, and joint and bone ailments with a wide variety of natural healing ingredients designed to be bio-digestible.
NuJoint Plus is a carefully formulated nutritional pet supplement, using only the highest quality pharmaceutical, human grade ingredients that are specifically compounded in a FDA approved laboratory for maximum potency and effectiveness.
NuJoint Plus uses a cutting edge formula that targets disease causing pathogens and free radicals by infusing the cellular framework of your pet’s metabolism with precise percentages of Glucosamine, Chondroitin, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), and Vitamin C.
Click here to ORDER NuJoint Plus for your pup's hips and joints!
- Evo (Innova) Dog Food: Evo & Evo Red Meat formulas.
All the key nutritional benefits of feeding a raw food diet, in a dry kibble. The very best dry kibble food I have found.
- Inova Dog Food: Natural Nutrition at its best. Quality dog kibble.
- Nature's Domain: Grain Free nutrition for all life stages. Quality dog kibble.
RuffWear Performance Dog Gear has excellent durable quality for your Cane Corso! Find Outdoor Gear, Jackets, Coats, All Season Paw Protection Dog Boots, Dog Packs, Lifejackets, Leashes, Joring Harnesses, and more!

RuffWear, Tested and Recommended for Cane Corso Quality Outdoor Gear!
- BiteNot Collars - A great alternative to elizabethan (cone) collars.
- Leerburg - Dog Training books, videos, equipment, supplies, and sturdy toys - All with great quality & service!
- Elite K9 - Working, Military & Police Dog Equipment - All with great personal service!

Pet Insurance
We Recommend Embrace Pet Insurance

With the rising cost of vet care, a good pet insurance plan is a simple and low cost way to give yourself the peace of mind knowing you will never have to make the call between getting your pet needed care ... and not being able to afford a big vet bill. In the event that something goes wrong, or an accident happens, make sure you won’t have to choose between your pet’s health and your finances.
See how simple it can be to have peace of mind for your Cane Corso:
We Recommend Pet Assure Veterinary Discount Program

Recommended Breeder
- G-Wizz - An advanced genetics wizzard online program that calculates the genetic
makeup of offspring from gene crosses.
- Merck Veterinary Manual - Animal care reference information
- Volhard - Canine Training & Aptitude Test
- Dog
Friendly .com - U.S. and Canadian pet travel guides for
dogs of all sizes & breeds
- Working
Dogs .com - Resources to locate dog-friendly transportation,
lodging, and more
- Doggone - Pet Travel Guide & Dog friendly accommodations
Rescue Transport Resources:
Corso Links are provided as a service to our visitors. We
are not responsible for any content on any of these sites.
If you find a site that is inappropriate due to its contact,
please contact us and let us know.
To have your site added to the lists, please contact us!
We reserve the right to refuse or remove any links, for
any reason.
Affiliate Links
Support our Rescue dogs by making your online purchases thru our affiliate links!
The online retailers listed below will donate back to us a percentage of any purchases made by clicking thru to their site from these links. We offer you the opportunity to save with the discounts they allow us to offer, and you help us raise rescue funds with your purchases!